There are several ways you can live together in a rental property.
You are living with your spouse OR you are legally cohabiting
Your spouse or the person you legally cohabit with is automatically a co-tenant. Whether this person is also on the rental contract or not. You must each separately fulfill your obligations as tenants.
Were you previously renting alone and are you now getting married or legally cohabiting? If so, provide the landlord with the contact information of that new person. You will now automatically both become tenants.
There are two options:
One person stays in the rental property. The other person notifies the landlord that they are leaving.
You both terminate the rental contract.
You are cohousing (feitelijk samenwonend)
You can also cohabit with people other than your spouse or legal cohabitant. This is called feitelijk samenwonen. Only the people listed on the rental contract are tenants in this case. You must each separately fulfill your obligations as tenants. Make sure you trust each other before you cohabit.
Example: the landlord may ask that you pay the rent of all the cohousers. You will then have to ask the other cohousers to pay back their share to you.
Dont you want to live together anymore?
There are two options:
One tenant personally terminates his/her/their part in the rental contract and the other tenants continue to live there. The departing tenant gives 3 months' notice and looks for a new tenant. The remaining tenants and the landlord must approve that new tenant. As the departing tenant, do you not find a new tenant? Then the landlord can sue you for rent up to 6 months after you leave.