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Can the rent be revised?

The rent is basically fixed for the entire term of the lease (apart from indexation). However, you and the landlord can increase or decrease the rent by mutual agreement or under certain conditions.

1. Revision every 3 years

At the end of every three-year period, you or the landlord can ask to revise the rent. You must make that request in writing, between the ninth and sixth month before the three-year period ends.

After making the request, there are two options:

  1. You and the landlord agree on the amount of the revision.
  2. You and the landlord do not agree. The requesting party can then go to the justice of the peace.

In two cases, the judge may grant the revision:

  1. Due to new circumstances, the normal rental value of the property has increased or decreased by at least 20% compared to the current rent. The asking party can prove this.
  2. The normal rental value has increased by at least 10% due to works done by the landlord at his own expense. The landlord can prove that increase.
    Important: mandatory works to make the property conform to minimal quality norms do not qualify.

2. Revision due to energy saving measures

Did the landlord make investments that improve the energy performance of the property? If so, he or she can request a rent revise at any time.

After the request, there are two possibilities:

  1. You and the landlord agree on the amount of the revision.
  2. You and the landlord do not agree. The asking party can then go to the justice of the peace.

The judge will allow the revision only if the rental value has increased by at least 10%.
Important: mandatory works to make the property conform to minimal quality norms do not qualify.

The judge will rule according to reasonableness. The revised rent applies from the month after the works are fully completed.

Update: 10 March 2025
About is an initiative of the Flemish Brabant Tenants' Association (de Huurdersbond Vlaams-Brabant)

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