Read the rental contract carefully and make sure you understand what it says. Only then sign it.
CAUTION: As a tenant, you may choose how to pay the rental deposit. The law lists 4 options. Is one of the 4 options already in the rental contract? And do you want another option? Then you must change it in the contract before you sign it. If you do not adjust the option, then you agree to the version in the rental contract.
Then you may sign the rental contract. As of now, you aagree with the rental contract.
BUT: Flemish rental legislation takes precedence over your rental contract. Is there anything in your contract that differs from the rental legislation? Then that legislation still protects you.
Example: Your rental contract states that you have to pay the real estate tax (onroerende voorheffing) The rental legislation says this is for the landlord. The rental legislation takes precedence, so the landlord still has to pay the real estate tax.
Feel free to contact us. We'll review the rental contract for you. is an initiative of the Flemish Brabant Tenants' Association (de Huurdersbond Vlaams-Brabant)
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