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How to make an inventory? 

At the beginning of a rental contract, an inventory must be prepared. This is stipulated by law. This 'inventory upon arrival' is a document that describes your rental property in detail. It usually includes many photos. 

Does your rental contract end? Then the inventory is used to see what damage you have caused in the rental property. 

How to make the inventory: 

  1. You can create the document in two ways: 
  • You and the landlord make the inventory together. This is free of charge. 
  • An expert makes the inventory. You and the landlord each pay half the cost. 

Make sure you are present for the inventory. 

  1. Is the document ready? Then you have the right to add comments. 

Example: You see that the home has a lot of scratches on the doors, but they are not in the inventory. Add this to the inventory, along with pictures of the scratches. 

  1. Sign the inventory for approval. 
Update: 10 March 2025
About is an initiative of the Flemish Brabant Tenants' Association (de Huurdersbond Vlaams-Brabant)

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