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How do you start legal proceedings against your landlord?

Are you and your landlord having an ongoing dispute over rent? Then you can go to the justice of the peace. The location of your rental property determines which justice of the peace that is.

  1. You can always request a free reconciliation hearing. 

The justice of the peace will then try to reconcile you and the landlord. Do you and the landlord reach an agreement? Then the justice of the peace will make this agreement final and binding. Is there no agreement or one of you does not show up? Then the reconciliation has failed.  

  1. You can also file a lawsuit before the justice of the peace.

To do so, you must file a petition. You are not required to hire a lawyer, but it is recommended. Do you have a low income? Then you may be entitled to a free pro bono lawyer (pro deo). Check if you qualify for this. Contact the Legal Aid Office (Bureau voor Juridische Bijstand) in Leuven or Brussels to request a pro bono lawyer.


Update: 10 March 2025

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