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What if you suspect you are being discriminated against? 

Suppose the landlord refuses you as a future tenant. Is that discrimination or not? 

It is discrimination if the landlord refuses you for the wrong reasons: reasons that have nothing to do with renting. 

These reasons can be: 

  • the source of your income 
  • your origin and skin color 
  • your religion 
  • your sexual orientation 
  • your health 
  • your criminal record 
  • .... 

The landlord may not even ask you for this information. Are you not allowed to rent for any of the above reasons? Then that is discrimination. 

A landlord may take these reasons into account: 

  • the amount of your income 
  • the number of people you want to live with 

Can you be refused as a tenant because you have a disability? 

Is the house adapted to your needs? Or is only a minor adjustment needed to the rental property? Then the landlord cannot refuse you because you have a disability. 

Example: you can enter the house if a ramp is placed in front of the entrance door. In that case, the landlord cannot refuse you because of your disability. 

What do you do if you suspect discrimination? 

  1. Provide proof that you have been refused as a tenant due to discrimination. For example, an email or a video. 
  2. File a complaint with UNIA and the Vlaams Mensenrechteninstituut. Do you want to file a complaint against a real estate agent? You can do so at the BIV

Do you want compensation for the discrimination? 

Then you have to start a legal procedure. It is best to contact a lawyer. The judge can give you: 

  • an indemnity 
  • and/or force the landlord not to discriminate anymore 

Does the landlord refuse? Then he must pay a fine ('dwangsom'

Note: a judge cannot force a landlord to rent to you. 

Update: 10 March 2025

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About is an initiative of the Flemish Brabant Tenants' Association (de Huurdersbond Vlaams-Brabant)

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