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What rental subsidies can you get?

There are some subsidies you may be entitled to as a tenant.

Vlaamse huursubsidie

Do you have a modest income and are you moving to a new rental property? Then you may be able to get the Vlaamse Huursubsidie. This is an allowance from the Flemish government for the rent.

You are only eligible if you have moved:

  • You have moved from poor or unadapted housing to good, adapted rental housing on the private rental market.
  • You were homeless and are now moving into rental housing.
  • You've moved to a sublease property from your housing company.
    Note: Are you moving into social housing that you rent directly from a housing company, municipality or CPAS? Then you are not eligible for the rent subsidy.

Read all about the Vlaamse huursubsidie:

Vlaamse huurpremie

Do you have a modest income and have been waiting 4 years or more for social housing? If so, you may be eligible for a monthly rent subsidy. You only qualify if you rent a property on the private rental market that meets all quality standards.

Read all about the Vlaamse huurpremie:

Vermindering onroerende voorheffing

The property tax (onroerende voorheffing) is an annual Flemish tax on real estate (buildings and land). The owner of the property must pay this tax. In certain cases, a reduction can be given on the property tax. Both owners and tenants can benefit from this reduction.

In what cases are you entitled to verminderde onroerende voorheffing?
  • If at least 2 children entitled to family benefits are domiciled in your rental home. Check the conditions.
  • If at least one of the domiciled family members has a disability of 66% or more. Check the conditions.
How do you apply for the verminderde onroerende voorheffing?

You must apply for the reduction at the Flemish tax office (Vlaamse Belastingdienst). Are you entitled to it? Then the reduction is paid to the owner of the property. The owner must then pay the reduction to you as a tenant.

You only have to apply for the reduction once. After that, the tax authorities will check each year whether you still get the reduction. This is also the case if you move to a new address.

Apply for the verminderde onroerende voorheffing here.

Update: 10 March 2025

Related information

About is an initiative of the Flemish Brabant Tenants' Association (de Huurdersbond Vlaams-Brabant)

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